Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Chosen One

4 years ago when I first came across her I could have never foreseen how intricately my everyday discussions would be tied to her. If I'm amenable to a change of mind, then certainly she has been a compelling impetus to set my priorities. To me, she's an amazing powerhouse of abilities that common beings can only aspire to attain. With my stubborn expectations always in over-drive, I feel that the only woman I shall ever want, really want, would have to be a flesh and blood replica of her character. My crazy obsession with everything Syd precedes my reputation as a Potter fan, and it is not wrongly suspected that I’d prefer martial-arts trained fox to a marital-arts maestro!
From the moment she bursts on to the screen, wielding a new disguise every other occasion, every other vital thought oozes out of my mind, I am deaf to all other sounds (a point of major consternation to my mum) – yes! I’m completely enraptured.
Adolescence is responsible for the onslaught of a zillion crushes -yeah, been there done that- but I discovered her just as that spring faded into summery adulthood, and I have looked up to her as the-one-person with a will of steel, and an irrepressible urge to do the right thing. Sure, they make it look easy on television, but it’s really out of my league to discuss the emotional depths of a person leading a double life. All of us need a hero to revere, and to feel unnaturally connected to, I can visualize her resolve any tangle and therein lies my faith- I know I can-do-it, will-have-to, because somewhere inside me there is a notion, that I’m just as potent as the chosen one.
She’s an enigmatic beauty; her smiles embody all the happiness she creates.
Now Alias is gone, and I’m unsure how I’ll gratify my yearning, no other woman fits the bill, I know a lot of regular people, but there’s only one Sydney Bristow.


kabir krishna said...

become new age John Keats

pen down 'an ode to my jennifer garner'

send her that poem.

be slapped with a restraining order...


Vatsala said...

Woah!Had she been within reach...she surely wud hv been urs by now!!!:)

Shashank said...

i'm not much of a poet; though if it doesn't have to rhyme, you are more than welcome to rearrange the words to make it look like one!

khayali pulao is for free, so sure, why not! :)

kabir krishna said...

'From the moment she bursts on to the screen, wielding a new disguise every other occasion, every other vital thought oozes out of my mind, I am deaf to all other sounds'

this is what the world it turning into. please get a jhonson bud pls. she screechs, shouths, hisses and screams into ur ear. please hear the chirping of the bitds, the thunder of the clowds, the winds blowing thru the trees, rustling of the leaves, not her.

u know dear, If you stand close enough to her, you can hear the ocean.

well, thats enough. all i can say about u is that you are about as brilliant and sane as Tom Cruise ...

have a good day...

Shashank said...

Kabir, you're not making any sense you know? And give up trying to use metaphors, they're not very effective!
As far as Tom Cruise is concerned, well, he's a billionaire ain't he?
And finally, just a friendly reminder, I do not take insults well. You of all people should remember that! ;)

kabir krishna said...
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kabir krishna said...

Well, to end this all, i have just two points to write...

1. 'alias' is 'ajeeb sa' , jenniffer garner cant act man(strictly my personal comments, as she indeed has a large fan following all over the world) and my bro is in love with her, so my bhabhi must be truly great

2. the article is really very well written and its a great work of english. a wonderful piece of art.i actually might have fell in love with the beauty that is Sydney Bristow buy alas, i have watched it...

p.s. am desperate to read more stuff...

Vatsala said...

Shashank its alright![:)]

Shashank said...

I appreciate your attempts at restraining yourself! :D

Thanks for the sympathy but I don't need it here! :)

pourush said...
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pourush said...
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Shashank said...

thank you! :)
and just for clarification's sake, i'm pretty ok with sarcasm as long as its not extremely rude! :)

Shashank said...

(contd) which it rarely is.
God...I feel like I've opened Pandora's box by saying that I get offended quickly! That is not true, I'm usually quite broad-minded, that post was just me being impulsive! :D

Vatsala said...

Shashank whom are you trying to fool??yourself or others??you DO get easily offended![:D][:p]

kabir krishna said...

vatsala, u r absolutely rrightttttttt........

shashank, u r cute...

Impressionist said...

I never really watched Alias!
But i love Jennifer Garner! :D

peace & love

Vatsala said...

By ne chance u've changed the colour of your blog template??[:O]If u have, I love the new colour![:)]Kindly write something new..m eaaaaaaaggggggeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrlllllllllyyyyyyyy waitihng to read something refreshing! :)

kabir krishna said...

![:)]Kindly write something new..m eaaaaaaaggggggeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrlllllllllyyyyyyyy waitihng to read something refreshing! :)

Sesh said...

wow.. what an admiration.. I dunno anythin abt Sydney Bristow or Jennifer Garner.. Man u r so much in love with the character.. Ur crazy obsession towards the character precedes ur reputation as Harry Potter fan, wow. U still the same?

I shud say, it was extremey very well written. Great Shashank!!