Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thousand Words++

I love I can't even comprehend where to begin to express my utter fascination and glorious joy. Search even the commonest of words, the results will blow your mind away. There are images of places, people, sceneries, insects and animals, everything; and such amazing shots, that even when you think you've seen the best, you are continually surprised.
Photographers....are Gods in their own right. Every picture is shockingly beautiful, and yet so simple, pertaining to the mundane......are we commoners blind? I doubt if my eyes can see the beauty of the skies or the calmness of water as meticulously as their lenses capture! Sitting across the computer's screen, I can still feel the Brighton summer, stare rapturously at St. Peter's dome in Vatican, fantasise about living in Florence and count the days until I finally make it to Quebec and Toronto.
The favourites tab in my IE is beginning to bulge, but I'm still dissatisfied, there aren't enough people I've bookmarked, so many pictures I haven't looked at yet, and I don't want to miss a thing....

1 comment:

Vatsala said...

Totally with u's absolutely amazin n great!!thatnku for introducin me to the world of flickr!![:)]
Its always amazin how such mundane things actually hide beneath them such marvellous joy...such beauty!!
we really need sum time to "check out" the "regular" more often!!:)
lastly...well always!!