Monday, November 20, 2006

My Contribution to the Presentation

This presentation is copied from everywhere. I mean, literally! All I had to do was Google the right word combinations and figure out how the relevant information should be CCPed to make logical sense (or not, I mean - who’s reading it, huh?) Now this may seem like a child’s job but that’s where you’re mistaken! There’s just too much information, and it was I who sifted through long boring reports and papers to find the toughest, least understandable, most complicated gobbledygook that would impress the audience. Yes, I’m a Showman, sue me! Please don’t underestimate my assiduous efforts; it takes real guts and grey matter to come up with this creative stuff! Those of you who actually went to libraries and online communities and researched can’t possibly ever match my talent. To dress up fiction as swallow-able fact is a rare gift.
Thank you, O revered evaluator; thy kindness is God’s greatest gift to me.


Vatsala said... writin again....besides the presentations it seems like i hv a "blogger's block" as well!!!

Its difficult to start from where i'd left!!

But i'll Presentations....Marks....Sessionals....n amidst all this...Writer's block....student name it u hv it!!!

God..okie shashank sorry for ruioning ur comments space...but...i started to writed n this is all that came to my mind..besides off course- Another fab blog from doubt u r not-often-u-meet-such-writers.....wonderfully written....wht a contribution...err.....a copied effort!![;)]

Shashank said...

Downside of being high- proflie! :D

Vatsala said...

what the..................

