When was the last time I stopped feeling like a ball being bounced about the table by forceful racquets making me scurry to and fro?
That one word which scares the life out of me! I see myself as a mundane product shuffled through various machines in a factory, everyday there is no change in my manufacturing process and at the end of my creation cycle I come out looking the same.
The incapability of being able to get up from the stubborn slumber and try and do something new - or even pick up an old habit lost long agob - does, in time, force one to accept that we're not just that assertive anymore. I could go and do all those little things that I've been putting off for so many days -they're just little things, done anytime,right?- but I slept late last night, I worked all day, and I'm really tired right now, and I know that I'm definitely going to find time for them soon. But I looked at the calendar today and the work I should have done by last month I havent started yet!
It boils down to this, we do all that we do and we cant manage to find time to do what we wish to do for ourselves. This coming from selfish us is quite something....our ability to procrastinate bypasses our greed*?
Not that that's a silver lining.
* I'm looking for a better word here.
thts precisely how every1...atleast 3 of us....feel here !!!!!
well i'm glad we got this one thing started! :)
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